Project Deliverables
The team provided four deliverables for the Sibiu County Tourism Association and Mioritics Association:
An infographic for lodging businesses describing who the trail users are, why they come to Sibiu, why their business should promote trail usage, and what their business can do to support the trail users and make their experience better
A wireframe for a reporting form for the trails. A more professional website developer will use the form as a guide when integrating a report a problem for on the Mioritics Association's website. A temporary Google Form will be used in the meantime.
A report detailing different features of hiking apps that the collaborators can promote. The goal is to have a common app trail users can use to leave feedback on routes and help plan their hikes.
A report of recommended people counting technology that the collaborators can use on the trails. The report compared characteristics of each type of technology and each specific device. Additionally, the team provided contact information for each company selling the devices.